miércoles, 25 de abril de 2012


I have to be honest. I really like it. We (Esther and me) have been nominated to the "2012 Apple for the teacher". It´s been a year full of things, good and not so good. We even thought about going back in November. We didn´t want to feel like that. August and September were really hard. The kids and I didn´t understand each other, and not because of the language difference.They did not follow rules,and the schedule didn´t help either. I didn´t have the skills to engage them. Ufff..now, it´s totally different. They are really kind and charming. They enjoy in class and now I feel like I can make them work, play and learn. It´s not perfect but it´s better in some way.  I  do enjoy teaching. I feel like they are learning. I appreciate all the help that I had from many people that have been close to me in these moments (Mikele, Malaguitas, Megan, Tiffany, Cristina, la Jefa...). Now, we have to decide what to do, if we want to stay or not. Tough decission.
No sé girar la foto, os imagino girando la cabeza...

1 comentario:

  1. Mateooo pero que bueno saber de ti!! jejeje me gusta el blog, y mira, practico mi inglés jejeje ¡¡Suerte en los Apple Adwards!!
    Y en lo referente a quedarte o no (si he entendido bien con mi maravilloso inglés claro) haz lo que te dicte el corazón no? siempre es la mejor decisión.
    Un besito!!!!!
